Tag Archives: tutorial

Polymer Clay and New Tutorial


Hey! So yes, I’ve still been upstairs playing with clay. I’ve been making stuff for both the kidlet and I. And, happy news, I have a new tutorial! (Yes, be amazed – I sure the heck am!)

2014-03-05 14.00.06Check out the tutorial section to see how to make this miniature wagon wheel chandelier out of polymer clay. πŸ™‚ I’ve been thinking of making this guy for awhile now, and I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. Apparently laying awake and planning out how make it instead of sleeping was a good idea (er, I think so? A bit too tired to say for sure …)

Anyway, hopefully will have a picture at some other point to be able to show you it “in situ” in my pirate bar (which also needs lots of work.)

Also wanted to share pics of the other stuff I’ve beenΒ  making, including stuff for the kidlet and her dollhouse (aka: The Behemoth.) 2014-03-05 14.00.00I think I mentioned that I made her an orange teapot (she loves orange so much, and enjoys telling me every three seconds, that I secretly believe she’s trying to hypnotize me into liking the one color I really dislike.) Anyhoo, here’s some of the other stuff that came out of the oven. You can see that I made her a cake (orange) and “swirly cupcakes”, and you might just be able to see the pie down near the bottom (it’s a bit cut-off in the picture.)

The trick when making things for her, or when you want things to be more durable than usual, is to make sure you “temper” the piece as soon as it comes out of the oven. My husband explained this has something to do with the rapid hardening, since it all compresses and therefore cools harder than it usually would. It also means that so far, her teapot has still survived for her dollhouse, with both spout and handle, so there must be something to it.

It’s easy. Just have a plastic or metal container nearby (not glass which might crack with sudden temperature changes), and fill it with icy water. I used snow (we have too much anyway) with a bit of water, and burning my fingers only a little, I chucked the little bits into the cold water, and presto! Tempered and tougher polymer clay objects. πŸ™‚

Anyway, hope you’re having a great week, thanks for reading, and have fun. πŸ™‚