Tag Archives: soup

Playing … and Putting Stuff Together


Just when I packed up the polymer clay (and the growing list of accoutrements) I came up with a list of things I “had” to make, including wool carders, a recipe book in a stand, and cooking utensils (yes, strange list, but you have been reading this blog right? Strange is totally me.) 😉

Testing out a "preparation table"

Testing out a “preparation table”

Anyway, I put the clay away because I figured it’s about time I actually start assembling and finishing some of the projects I’ve made out of clay, and you know, giving them a home and all. Besides which, my new obsession with making mini cakes and bakery items means I’ll probably have to make a bakery, and I really don’t have the room for it right now (I don’t have the room for the houses I have, let alone the new ones I’m planning.)

So to the left you can see my test preparation table. It’s far from complete (ie: note the absence of almost all the food items), and I was just laying items out to see if it will work, which is when I discovered some of the items that were missing. Which is why I knew I needed to make the cookbook on the stand, the knife, spoon, and rolling pin, and the salt and pepper shakers. I like adding more blue items, seeing as it sort of ties things together (in my head at any rate).

Then I went off to play with a new medium that’s growing on me: glass paint. It’s cheap (from the 2014-03-17 13.07.46Dollar Tree), it dries very quickly, seems to react to polymer clay quite happily, and it creates deep color and the “wet” look so necessary for food types. Here are my stews that are mixed up in polymer clay pots I made, but otherwise contain no clay themselves. The peas are poppy seeds I painted with green paint (swirl in a cup, then spread out thinly on parchment paper to dry). “Potatoes” are dried yellow split peas. Then the meat and carrots are both small pieces of play foam (also from the dollar store) cut into little pieces. It all gets mixed with yellow with a touch of brown glass paint on a piece of parchment, then divided into containers. Work fast – glass paint stinks a bit, but it really does start to set up super quick.

As I mentioned, I’ve also been making cakes and cupcakes – and running into the same problems I do in full size. But, plan on making a tutorial soon, along with a recipe for DIY “texture paste” or mini icing that I’ve found works fairly well.

Off to actually get some writing done … and then probably to run away to the craft room again. That table won’t complete it’s self! 🙂

Have a great week, thanks for reading, and remember, what happens in the craft room, stays in the craft room. 😉